Northwest Pennsylvania Pheasants Forever's members are truly passionate about creating, preserving and restoring habitat that benefits pheasants and other wildlife.
Whether it's through improving habitat, informing the public about land management, or educating future generations of hunting enthusiasts, conservation is the underlying principle in all we do. If you'd like more information on improving your land for wildlife, please contact us.
PA Gamelands 218
In cooperation with the Pennsylvania Game Commission Chapter 728 recently planted 12 acres of games lands 218 near Dyer Road with all warm season grasses. The mix includes big blue stem ,sunflower, and switch grass, milk weed. Etc. It's adjacent to a ten acre field this chapter planted about 12 years ago. Cost of this project was $1,941.00, which was raised locally by the Chapter
Preserving our Natural Resources
Creating, restoring, and maintaining habitat is a constant battle. We invite you to join the Northwest Pennsylvania chapter of Pheasants Forever in our quest to ensure a country rich in natural resources. After all, natural resources - pheasants, quail, and other wildlife, plus the land, air, and water on which they live - are our greatest resources.
Local Chapter Projects
We've completed a number of habitat projects throughout Northwest Pennsylvania. There are federal and state programs available that reimburse landowners for the cost of intalling a habitiat planting, as well as paying the landowner an annual rent based upon several factors. If you own land that you'd like to improve for wildlife, please contact us to discuss your project.